Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Airport hopping and cold spells!

Airport Minsk 2 - Arrivals. The much awaited sign comforts me. I have finally arrived in Belarus's capital city. After more than 15 hours of travelling, I really need a good night's rest.

It took three flights to get here. The first one left Malta at 5am. I actually went to the airport at around 3:30am. My mother is so fussy when it comes to travelling. So she made me go to the airport two hours before the flight. If it had been up to me, I would have been there at the last possible moments.

I hate airports. A lot.

My first flight landed in Rome at around 7am. The next flight to Vienna was scheduled at 11am. Four long hours waiting at the airport, having nothing better to do than going through the same shops for the millionth time and reading countless magazines. I have become an expert on relationships, sex, how to become a millionaire and countless other subjects which so commonly crop up in these sort of publications.

We arrived in Vienna at 1pm. The stop was not as lengthy as that in Rome. One hour later we were on our way to Belarus.

And finally we're here. My, it's cold! I'm really not made for cold weather. This is nowhere near Malta...Malta is a furnace compared to this. I hardly manage to send a quick sms home to reassure them I have arrived safe and sound. My fingers are hurting me too much for smsing!

We are immediately taken to our hotel. Minsk is a lovely city. We go through Victory Square and manage to catch a glimpse of the Railway Station. It is a marvel. The hotel is nice as well. The bed seems so nice and welcoming. The problem is that I cannot go to sleep. I have to go to a party somewhere in Minsk at around 12:30am. At least that's when the taxi is picking me and Joe Dalmas (a Maltasong representative who is accompanying me). Joe is such a nice person. He always has a smile ready for all occasions. I really think his presence will be a great help for us, to tide us over the difficult times when we are in Helsinki.

It seems I have a full day planned tomorrow. I'm supposed to be meeting the press. They will probably ask me to sing part of the Belarus song. Which is no problem as I like it a lot. I also have my own song recorded in Russian. I had participated with this song in Kazakistan. It may come useful as well.

Anyway...I really have to go as my internet credit is running out. And hopefully, I will still have enough credit to post tomorrow's blog, together with a couple of photos.

Speak to you tomorrow.


Anonymous said...


I'm glad that you have some tricks to attract media attention! "Kyimai seny baramyn" may be useful indeed! (btw, what does it mean?)

I hope you find the opportunity to sing part of the Belarussian song...however, if you won't, I'm sure that you will still "work your magic"! ;-)

Have fun Ol!

Anonymous said...

Oh it must be freezing out there. I guess you must be wearing a lot of thick, warm clothes ha..

Yeah, the song from Belarus is good, but hey, it certainly is not as good as yours :). Wow! You're going to sing 'work your magic'? Now, isn't that kinda out of your own genre :D.

Hope you'll be able to steal a lot of Belarussian hearts! Then again, I know you will.

All the best! Do have a lot of fun out there. God bless!

Your greatest (most ardent) fan outside of Europe

Anonymous said...

Hello Olivia!

Bongu l-ewwelnett!!! Mela, nibda biex nghidlek AWGURI MMENS gewwa l-Belarus u hu gost kemm tiflah u j'alla li kollox jmur sew u anke kull min qieghed mieghek anke jekk mieghek hemm persuna wahda!!!

Ha nghidlek, taghmel sew ommok li riditek tmur l-Airport saghtejn qabel il-flight halli b'hekk tkun kmieni u ma jinqalghux problemi jekk Alla jrid!!! Sewwa taghmel li tahseb kmieni jigifieri hehe!!!

Kif qrajt f'dan il-post li hallejt jidher li kellek vjagg twil mhux hazin imma l-aqwa li kollox ok!!! Madoff... erbgha sighat fl-Airport??? Mammamija!!! Imma kont wahdek jew kont ma' Joe Dalmas? Ghax jiena nahseb li kien mieghek!!! Allinqas jekk kien mieghek ma kontx wahdek!!!

Ghalissa ser ikolli nhallik Olivia imma qabel nitlaq nixtieq nerga nghidlek AWGURI MMENS u hu gost u kull min qieghed mieghek!!!

Bye the way... fl-opinjoni tieghi s-song tal-Belarus hija sabiha hafna imma ta' Malta - Vertigo bil-wisq isbah!!!

GOODLUCK hafna!!!

Nigel Blundell

Anonymous said...

I am sure that you know work your magic really well - because i guess you already met Koldun - because you were invited to national finals together ! Your trip was very long - but finally you are there! im sorry about the cold - in malta its still the same - as when you left - sunny - all the time - infact today as you might know - we are celbrating the feast of st gregory in malta - and so many people are going to the amazing beaches that we have. you're jealous olivia ?? nnaaahh - you're the one living the dream here! abot living the dreamm - that reminds me of frederick's interview- that was published on Life - magazine - read it yesterday - great interview ! enjoy your experience in belarus - promote vertigo well - good luck with the press and media - make malta's name proud in belarus - and above all - ENJOY YOURSELF ! say hi to joe dalmas - and a big thankyou from all of us - for what he is doing with you ! awguri olivia ! xx

Anonymous said...

Hello, Olivia!
Best hugs from MINSK:)
Love. Kate
(waiting for photos)